Sephora Emergency Kit
For your favorite girlfriend: because a friend in need is a friend indeed!
Ever have one of those days where you get a run in your stocking, lose your earring back and your nail breaks on the same day you run into your ex-boyfriend ? This gift is one of my favorite picks of the season. Found at Sephora, it is an emergency kit by Mr. and Mrs. click here. This cute little silver pouch contains an emery board, a tampon (for your other "friend"), a nail polish remover pad, double sided tape (for loose hems), dental floss, fresh breath drops, Advil, and
other emergency essentials.

The Sweet Smell of Perfume
Did you ever get on the train only to realize you are standing next to someone who smells like Febreeze? An even worse scenario is sitting next to the coworker, who at the end of the day, in preparation for her date, sprays an obnoxious amount perfume across three cubicles that smells like Glade. Have no fear , because I found the perfect gift to save your senses and perhaps her social life. My favorite designer Tocca, also makes some delicious perfumes. I never know which one to buy, but now they have little samples of each, with names like Cleopatra and Colette, who can go wrong? Gosh , I wish there a scratch and sniff blog post!

See good things come in small packages and it is only $18.00! Click here for site!
And last but not least.....For the pre-teen who has everything...
The Justin Beiber Singing Toothbrush
I could not make this up if I tried. You have your choice of two Justin Beiber song options on this singing toothbrush which play for two minutes, the recommended brushing time by the ADA. (click here if you don't believe me)
Because it is only fifteen bucks and when you smile, Justin smiles! Or so the lyrics say.Then again, there is always the ubiquitous gift card!
Happy Holidays to all my fellow faux fashionistas!